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o·voi·lo·bil·i·ty /oʊvoɪləˈbɪlɪti/ n.

The property of a system, service, or feature that is so fundamentally optional that its availability status becomes philosophically irrelevant. A state of transcendent optionality where the traditional binary of "available" vs "unavailable" dissolves into a quantum superposition of "it's fine either way."

Key Properties:

1. If it's not available, that's fine because it was optional anyway

2. If it is available but not useful, that's also fine because it's optional

3. If it's both available and useful, that's unexpected but still optional

Usage Example:
"Our new feature has achieved perfect ovoilobility – it's been down for three weeks and nobody has noticed."

From "The Zen of System Design: Embracing Digital Nothingness"
Chapter 0: The Art of Not Being There